Fresh Guide


Aérea Negrot stammt aus Venezuela und strandete über Porto, Amsterdam und London in Berlin. War die Reiseroute geplant, mit Berlin als Ziel, oder wie kam dieser Trip mit der Landung hier zustande?

I never thought I would end up here… I used to like travelling, waking up in unknown beds.I reached Berlin when my BIO clock started ticking, begging for stability. Its been 13 years since that moment and I still don’t know why I am here.

In Berlin stieß Aérea Negrot zu „Hercules & Love Affair“ und bereicherte die Band mit einer explosiven Mischung aus Performance, Sex und Gesang. Wie kam es zu dieser Begegnung mit Andrew Butler und seinem queeren Künstlerkollektiv?

I went to the concert of Anthony and the Johnsons in Volksbuehne in 2005… Anohni´s voice and presence was breathtaking, that concert was so emotional. During the concert the lady sitting in front of me asked me If I could cry a little bit softer (as opposed to a pig about to be slaughtered), I came out of the auditorioum in the most decent manner. And there he was, Andrew Buttler, someone who approached me in a friendly way.
He introduced me to Anohni in person…. Three years later I got a message from a dear friend, telling me that “hercules and love a.. Who” was interested in recording with me, by that time (2008) they were already pretty big. Thats how i started my Hercules and love affair phase.

Auf Ellen Alliens Bpitch Label folgten dann eigene Tracks, 2011 erschien mit „Arabxilla“ das erste eigene Album. Wie lange hast Du daran gearbeitet, was waren so die Hauptinspirationsquellen und welche Bedeutung hat das Album heute noch für Dich?

It was meant to happen… I was giving my demo to Royal Dust and he passed on to Tobias Freund, who was working at the time with Ellen Allien on the production of “DUST”... I swear, i didnt send an sms, i dint sent a friend request to anybody…. Ellen invited me to release an EP under the name “All I wanna do” , while she had already included it on the Watergate 05 mix. Credit cards ready. Arabxilla was a diary album, collecting the cities and ended love stories I had experienced since 2004. An eternal ode to Heartbreak and Bureaucracy. I still hear it with most pride, because the emotions are real, after all these years. Trying to do something similar again, would take me 8 years, more lovers… of course. Its an invitation. 

In den letzten 5 Jahren war es in Sachen Produktionen eher ruhig um Aérea Negrot, wie sieht es da in der näheren Zukunft aus? Steht etwas an oder gilt der Bühne das Hauptaugenmerk?

Ruhig? I have not stopped… i have also produced remixes for artist like Zhala, Mamacita, Shaun J Wright, Billie Ray Martin with whom I also collaborated, Josh and the Subs more recently. Been Djing around, having fun with my famous friends hahahaha
BUT, serious now, I have not ONE but TWO albums ready for you… in case you want to start saying that my second album sounds like shit.

Am zweiten Juni-Wochenende gratulierst Du dem Suicide Circus zum 8 Geburtstag. Was verbindest Du mit dem Club, was verbindet Dich mit ihm? Und was können wir bei Deinem Auftritt von Dir erwarten?

SUICIDE and CIRCUS??? Sounds like Aerea Negrot to me… with more chocolate and gleitgel. Will be an honour to give a show and heart for the anniversary of Suicide Circus, have friends at the door and the coat check. Will be the first time i will perform there after several dj gigs. This time I will show them why I always look so fucking easy.